Lekha - Accounting

At iInfosoft, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive accounting software solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses across various industries. Our accounting software is designed to streamline financial operations, improve accuracy, and enhance overall efficiency in managing financial data.

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Lekha Core Features

  • General Ledger Management
    Maintain a centralized general ledger to record all financial transactions, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, income, expenses, and assets/liabilities.
    Ensure accurate and up-to-date financial records for better decision-making and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Accounts Payable Management
    Streamline the accounts payable process with features such as invoice management, bill payments, vendor management, and expense tracking.
    Automate invoice approval workflows and payment scheduling to improve efficiency and reduce manual errors.
  • Accounts Receivable Management
    Manage accounts receivable efficiently with features such as customer invoicing, payment processing, credit management, and collections.
    Automate recurring billing and payment reminders to ensure timely payments and improve cash flow.
  • Bank Reconciliation
    Reconcile bank statements with accounting records to ensure accuracy and integrity of financial data.
    Identify discrepancies and reconcile outstanding transactions to maintain accurate cash balances.
  • Financial Reporting
    Generate customizable financial reports, including balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and trial balances.
    Gain insights into financial performance, trends, and key metrics to support strategic decision-making and financial planning.
  • Tax Management
    Simplify tax preparation and compliance with features such as tax calculation, tax filing, and tax reporting.
    Stay up-to-date with tax regulations and automate tax calculations to ensure compliance and minimize tax liabilities.

With iInfosoft's accounting software, businesses can streamline financial operations, improve accuracy, and make informed decisions to drive growth and success. Experience seamless accounting and financial management with our comprehensive software solution tailored to your business needs.

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